PROJECTS - Nutstree Studios

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Nutstree Design

Nutstree Studio is a provider of professional design services geared towards developing compelling inventions, products and brands.
We have successfully designed products in the fields of fashion brands, contemporary art interior collections and industrial hard and software products.

Our unique perspective and understanding of how design impacts all elements of an invention, enables us to routinely develop successful products. We work for international clients, or we sell it through our own (web) stores.

Nutstree IT

Address Code Systems is designed as a Lost and Found solution for own or company property and personal or business addresses.

Research and marketing started in the Netherlands in 1990. In 1992 the ACS system went international with companies in Belgium, Luxembourg, the USA, Switzerland and representative offices on each continent around the globe. The international sales company has been established in Nevada, the USA, since 2010 and has introduced the new Systems Card solutions.

Nutstree Construction

ZZP Bouw. Contractor and self employed workers agency, has established an solid reputation in this dynamic industry in the Netherlands. Diversity is one of the company’s chief distinctive characteristics. ZZP partners (self-employed workers) are working together united around a single construction process according to their specifics.

ZZP Bouw is one of the few construction agencies in the Netherlands that has proved itself well in the difficult diciplines of renovations, building single houses or helps build major buildings. Reliabilty and quality performance have enable the company to become a valued agency for a large number of Dutch and German construction enterprises.

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